Greg Flemming
SVP, The Financial Services Group
Greg was a founder of Lightspeed Research’s innovative behavioral tracking panel and currently leads the Financial Services Group, which provides a range of strategic insights and competitive analytics to banks, credit card companies, and consultancies.
Greg has extensive experience with all types of consumer and customer research, including customer satisfaction, concept testing, new product development, and customer segmentation. His work spans a range of methodologies, including online, telephone, and mail surveys, as well as the integrated analysis of non-survey based behavioral data.
Before joining Lightspeed Research, Greg was Vice President of Forrester Data at Forrester Research, where he led a number of initiatives supporting the research needs of clients in the financial services, consumer packaged goods, and media industries. Greg was previously Survey Director at Princeton Survey Research Associates in Washington, D.C. Greg has made presentations concerning online survey methodology at the American Association for Public Opinion Research and has been quoted in The New York Times and The Washington Post, and by a number of television and radio networks and industry journals.
Greg graduated from the University of New Hampshire and holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with an emphasis on econometric analysis and quantitative research design.
November 15, 2011
When Do Quarterly Bonus Rewards Work?
By Greg Flemming, SVP, Financial Services GroupOver the past two years a significant trend has emerged among the issuers of credit cards: quarterly rewards programs that offer anywhere from double to five times cash back or points for spending in specific retail categories. All of the top card issuers have piloted at least one of these Read More...
Category: Financial Services Group, Industry News, Research Products
Posted on November 15, 2011
August 4, 2011
New Financial Reform Rules Present Marketing Challenges For Banks
By Greg Flemming, SVP, Financial Services GroupOver the recent past, there have been numerous regulatory changes that limit bank revenue through fee collection and other practices. It should come as no surprise that as certain banking products become less lucrative, banks will look for ways to mitigate the effect of lower revenues by changing the way they market their products and incentivize customers. However, these changes are perceived negatively by consumers and present a marketing challenge for an industry already struggling with an image problem. Read More...
Category: Financial Services Group
Posted on August 4, 2011