May 31, 2011
Do Not Be Intimidated, Get Integrated
By Leslie Warshaw, SVP, Custom Panels & CommunitiesAt last count there were almost 40 million blogs hosted on WordPress and Tumblr, Twitter’s running at over 100 million tweets per day, and somewhere around 200 million people log in to Facebook each day. These numbers alone are staggering, but when you think about the diversity and range of content in all that data, your head starts to swim. But market researchers today are charged with making sense of all this information, and finding ways to help brands turn it into sound business decisions.
Contemplating this challenge, we thought about responding this way:
Instead, we turned to innovation. With our Kantar partners, Lightspeed Research is delivering a new, integrated program to connect marketers with customers at every touchpoint and then link those touchpoints to attitudes and behaviors. It starts with a social media measurement program as its base, and includes a set of custom online communities that facilitate deeper investigation and engagement with consumers, and a custom online research panel that provides the ability to quantify, test and supplement the insights. Ongoing brand trackers work with the other elements to provide an integrated analysis.
Clients are finding success in sharing insights throughout their organizations and engaging key stakeholders as well as connecting deeply with their customers. The integrated research program provides daily access to customers’ lives as well as deep understanding through longitudinal interaction and the ability to pose questions and engage in conversations.
Using a highly profiled online panel, clients can conduct product and brand assessment, and concept and ad copy testing quickly and cost efficiently. Also, they can field follow-up studies with the same sample over time in an iterative process. Visual survey question formats that use multi-media features like click maps, page turners, highlighters and heat-maps yield a highly engaged level of response and foster a positive experience for consumers.
The integrated mix of quantitative surveys, qualitative events and social media measurement into an integrated data source provides a holistic insight system that can be utilized throughout the organization to address critical business needs.
Category:Custom Panels, Integrated Data, Research Communities, Research Products
Posted on May 31, 2011
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