March 15, 2011
Welcome to the Lightspeed Research Blog
By David Day, President and Global CEOlis•ten [lis-uh n] v. to hear with intention.
We listen for a living. Our company’s been listening to consumer opinions since our first online survey was launched in 1996. Since then the world has changed a lot, and so has our company. Now, we’re listening to over 3 million consumers online in 25 countries every day.
We’ve been listening to our clients, as well. They tell us that online panels have revolutionized research; made it faster, more efficient, less costly. Given them agility, flexibility, and the ability to lead the competitive race. They’ve come to rely on online panel research for all these benefits, but they are concerned for its future.
How is the industry addressing its challenges? How will we continue to ensure the quality of our sample? How will brands benefit? How will they get better data faster? How can we help them use data more effectively? How can we make them stronger, faster, better?
In this blog, we aim to create a forum to exchange ideas on these issues and more. From mobile surveys to custom panels to integrated behavioral tracking to new research innovation, we’ll share information and engage industry experts on topics relevant to the market researcher. We’ll discuss online panel market research from a global perspective, as well as from the local level in the scores of markets in which we work.
We believe this is a pivotal time for the online panel industry, and in turn, for the market researchers and brands who depend on the insights we provide. Unprecedented new opportunities afforded by mobile platforms, new applications and emerging technologies bring with them new challenges to keep panelists fresh, rewarded, engaged, and authentic.
It’s not the challenges we face, but how we deal with them that’s interesting. We look forward to engaging with our clients and colleagues in this dialogue. So share your views with us on the Lightspeed Blog. We’re listening.
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Category:Future of Online Research
Posted on March 15, 2011
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I think the next few years are going to be critical, can we conintue to balance the client demands, with the industry ones
Will cost mean that quality will suffer, and if so how do we as experts protect the market research industry?