February 14, 2012
How Romantic Are You?
By Kelly Noguerol, Chief Talent OfficerIt’s Valentine’s Day and our thoughts turn to romance and those we love. At Lightspeed Research, there’s nothing we love more than a good survey. So we surveyed our employees around the world about how they plan to celebrate their love on this special day.
First, we asked our employees in the Americas (AMS), Europe/Africa/Middle East (EMEA) and Asia-Pacific (APAC) Regions to rate how romantic they are on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Meh” and 5 being “Next to me, Edward Cullen looks like Woody Allen.”
Our survey results showed that by far, the employees of the EMEA Region were the most romantic, with a composite score of 3.7. APAC employees tied with those in the AMS region for second place, with a score of 3.4. This result did not surprise Andy Cayton, CEO of the EMEA Region, who commented, “Surely, it was never in question that Europeans are the most romantic people in the world.”
When asked how they plan to celebrate the holiday of love, almost one-fifth of all employees said they would simply enjoy being single. About the same percentage said they would either ignore the holiday altogether or pay it a little, last-minute attention. But almost one-third were true romantics, planning something special and putting thought and emotion into that perfect gift.
Also, some employees shared with us their favorite memories of Valentine’s Days past. Their comments ranged from the romantic: “Someone I was not dating at the time had flowers and a small gift delivered for me. Needless to say, we dated afterward,” to the decidedly less romantic: “I was all dressed up and ready to go out for a nice dinner and possibly a movie and where did my boyfriend take me? A CARWASH! He’s my husband now,” to the slightly bizarre: “Let’s just say it involved some music, some dancing and a bear costume and leave it at that!”
Tell us about your favorite romantic memory. (G-rated version only, please!)
Category:Financial Services Group
Posted on February 14, 2012
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